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Year 2 Birthday Book Wish Lists

Birthday Books


We often get requests from parents asking if they can bring sweets into school to celebrate their child’s birthday. As a healthy eating school our policy is that we do not support the sharing of sweets.


However, we do recognise that birthdays are an important event in the lives of the children at our school, and they enjoy sharing their celebrations with their school friends.  We always make a fuss about each child’s birthday in school, and this will continue, but for those who would like to share something with their friends in school we are starting up a ‘Birthday Book’ corner.


If you wanted to celebrate your child’s birthday with their school friends, you could purchase a book for their classroom’s Birthday Book corner. The book you purchase can be enjoyed by your child and their classmates all year round. We will even put a special Birthday Book label in the book to mark your child’s birthday, and the gift you have bought for the class!  


To help parents choose a suitable book, each class has created a Birthday Book Wish List on Amazon. These wish lists will be available all year round and will be added to throughout the year, so there will always be something to choose from.  If you would like to take part, when it is getting close to your child’s birthday just click on the link to view the Wish List for your child’s class, and simply buy one book from the selection available. Arrange to have the book delivered to your home address, and then on (or near) their birthday bring the book into school! 


You will need to have an Amazon account to purchase a book from the class wish list, but if you do not have one, and would still like to gift a book from your child, please make sure that you buy a book that is age-appropriate for their year group.


We will place a label like the one here on the inside of the book, and we will read from it during Storytime on your child’s birthday. Then the book will be placed in the class book corner to be enjoyed over and over again as a lasting celebration of your child’s birthday!


There is no requirement to take part in the ‘Birthday Book’ initiative. Please be reassured that we will always celebrate and mark these important days in our children’s lives, whether a book is gifted or not.

Please click on the link for your child's class below, to take you to their Amazon wish list.
