Working together to make school a positive experience
We like to do as much as we can to help the transition into school to be as smooth as possible. To enable this to happen we will need to start working together to help your child settle into school as well as they can. Here are some things we have planned or have done to help your child settle and also some things you can do to help them settle once they are in school.
Things we are going to do or have already done
- The year leader has spoken to most pre-schools or nurseries to find out information about your child. This will then be used to make up the classes for the year group.

- We plan to visit each family in September to find out a little bit more about your child and the family and to introduce ourselves.
- We will send out an ‘All About Me’ sheet for you and your child to complete and to bring in when they start school.
- We will put as much information on the school website for you to go through with your child to show them different aspects of their new school - school uniform, tour of the playground, tour of the school, tour of a Year R classroom, information on lunchtime
- There will be a new intake parent information evening on Thursday 4th July where you are invited to find out more about Year R, find out your child’s class, meet the staff and visit the classroom. This is for parents only.
- We will send out a sheet introducing your child to all the staff who will be in the class your child is joining.
- We will invite your child into school in September for a story and to see the classroom before they start. (dates and times will be included in the parent information evening on Thursday 4th July)
- We will have an open door policy and will be available to speak to before and after school if you have any concerns or need to talk to us.
Things you as parents/carers can do
- Send your child to school every day, even if they have a sniffle! If your child is unwell in school we will get in contact with you.

- Do not book a holiday during term time. Absences will not be authorised, and if it is an emergency you will still need to speak to the school office before booking any flights, and complete a form and provide flight details before you travel.
- Be on time when dropping off your child in the morning and especially when picking them up at the end of the day. You don’t want your child to think you have forgotten about them!
- Tick off as many of the ‘I can’ statements on the school ready sheet as you can that is included in your envelope you will get on parent information evening.
- Communicate with your child’s teacher; even little things like a bad night’s sleep may be useful to the teacher in school. If anything has happened at home please let us know.

- Make your child’s teacher aware of any health issues your child has. Any medication they need to use in school will need to be signed in at the office.
- Let your teacher know of any allergies your child has (this is NOT things they do not like), the school will need to see a doctor’s note showing this allergy. Your child will then wear a badge at lunchtime to ensure the kitchen staff are aware of the allergies.
Each class has an email address which you can contact the teacher on:
Please get in contact if you have any questions about starting school. We will be happy to help.