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Achievement Awards

We are extremely proud of all our prestigious awards and quality marks that we have received which recognise our school's hard work and achievements.


In December 2018 we had our most recent Ofsted inspection, and we were rated as 'Good'


The following statement is a quote from their report:  "You have created a friendly, welcoming and happy school. Pupils behave very well in their classrooms and clearly enjoy coming to school. William Austin Infant School provides pupils with a good start to their educational careers. You ensure that diversity is valued in your school and that pupils learn about and respect each other’s beliefs. For example, on the day that the inspection took place, pupils enjoyed decorating the school’s Christmas tree, displayed proudly in the hall. At other times, pupils learn about other religious festivals, such as Eid and Diwali. You have been successful in gaining the trust of parents and carers so that all pupils take part in such activities, regardless of their family’s beliefs."

Primary Science Quality Mark Gilt Award - October 2023

We are very proud to inform you that our school has been awarded a Primary Science Quality Mark Gilt award! This is a fantastic achievement and celebrates our commitment to excellence in science leadership, teaching and learning.



The feedback from the report states “Schools that achieve a Primary Science Quality Mark have demonstrated a significant commitment to science leadership, teaching and learning, and the profile and quality of science in the accredited school is very high. The Science subject leader, their colleagues, headteachers, children, parents and governors should be very proud.” 

Mr Herbert, our Lead teacher for Science works very hard to promote engaging and exciting science learning throughout our school, and his dedication has ensured that we achieved this prestigious award, so we extend many thanks to him, and to the rest of the staff for their support throughout this process.


William Austin Infant School has been re-accredited with an Artsmark Silver Award in June 2023!

We are delighted to inform you that your setting has been re-accredited with an Artsmark Silver Award. Congratulations!


Your Statement of Commitment and Statement of Impact have been assessed and we’re pleased to share this feedback from our assessors with you:


'You are positively increasing the emphasis on arts and culture and engaging with the Arts is having tangible results on pupils, staff and parental engagement. The Arts feature in school planning and are supported by the art lead. There are progression-linked curriculums for arts, including Charanga for a cross curricular approach. Pupils access a consistent and relevant range of experiences in school and outside the classroom which leads to showcasing within school and the local community. It’s great to hear about the Primary Writing Project, partnership with Sign2Sing, pupils creating Mandalas and using Aboriginal art as inspiration and (of course) painting elephants! These give us a real flavour of what’s going on in school."


We have successfully shown that the seven Quality principles set by the Arts Council England are reflected by our school:

  1. Striving for excellence and innovation
  2. Being authentic
  3. Being exciting, inspiring and engaging
  4. Ensuring a positive and inclusive experience
  5. Actively involving children and young people
  6. Enabling personal progression
  7. Developing belonging and ownership


On achieving this award the assessment panel recognise that all children in our school are offered equal opportunity to participate in a broad range of arts and cultural experiences.

Values Based Education Quality Mark 2023


We are proud to announce that on the 16th March 2023 we achieved reaccreditation for the Quality Mark as a Values-based School.


Joseph Piatczanyn - Values Education Assessor said that:

''At William Austin Infant School, values-based education is a firm foundation, enabling all individuals to shine.

The school has strongly demonstrated to me that, there is:

  • A whole-staff commitment to values-based education, implemented implicitly and explicitly in all interactions. Adults at William Austin Infant School shine with their smiles.
  • A strong sense of staff unity, illustrated richly in team member’s passion and articulation of values-based education implementation and impact.
  • A sense of true happiness – which feeds into the warm, welcoming, organised and vibrant classroom environments, atmospheres and furthermore, parental satisfaction.
  • Excellent, harmonious and polite behaviours from children.
  • Focused, purposeful and calm playtimes, lunchtimes and lessons.
  • A rich commitment to ensuring the visibility and articulacy of values-based education, enabling children to demonstrate and understand the impact of values-based behaviours.

My sincere thanks to the children, staff and parents who made me so welcome on the day. More importantly, my thanks for the long-standing commitment to values-based education – the long-term impact of which was clear to see. William Austin Infant School promotes itself as a school ‘where all individuals shine’ – I am inclined to agree!''

Healthy Smiles 2021

William Austin Infant School is proud to have achieved the Healthy Smiles Plus Award 2021, an accredited oral health and nutrition programme to support and enable services working with children to adopt tooth-friendly and healthy nutrition.

The contact at our setting is: Mrs Kirsop




Modeshift Stars Silver Award 2019

Modeshift STARS Education scheme recognises schools and other educational establishments that have shown excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable and active travel. William Austin Infants is proud to have received this award in 2019 for our continued commitment in supporting active travel to school and reducing the number of children coming to school by car.




Silver Artsmark Award 2018

As a school we have been awarded the Silver Artsmark Award by Arts Council England.  The Artsmark Award is a valuable tool for enriching the schools arts provision and ensuring the many benefits brought by the arts are infused across the curriculum and the school community.

We have successfully shown that the seven Quality principles set by the Arts Council England are reflected by our school:

  1. Striving for excellence and innovation
  2. Being authentic
  3. Being exciting, inspiring and engaging
  4. Ensuring a positive and inclusive experience
  5. Actively involving children and young people
  6. Enabling personal progression
  7. Developing belonging and ownership


On achieving this award the assessment panel recognise that all children in our school are offered equal opportunity to participate in a broad range of arts and cultural experiences, and made the following comment:

"The panel were pleased to read of the many positive impacts your Artsmark journey has had on your school and pupils such as improved vocabulary amongst Reception pupils and staff becoming more confident in their teaching of 3D art. The panel noted the positive change in your school's Equality Action Plan which now outlines the range of arts and culture opportunities to be made available to your pupils."

Green Tree School Bronze Award

Our Green Tree Schools Award from the Woodland Trust encourages outdoor learning and inspires pupils about trees, woods and wildlife.


Our school took part in fun, practical projects while helping the environment and improving our grounds, and achieved Bronze Award status.
