School Milk
We provide milk in cartons each day for those who wish to purchase it. A letter will be sent home at the start of every term stating the amount to be paid for that term. You can pay by cash or cheque. Cheques for milk should be made payable to “William Austin Infant School”.
There is a short time for sending in the milk money, so make sure you look out for letters and send in your reply slips and full payment where required (cash or cheque) by the time and date stated on the letter!
Children under 5 years of age get their milk free up until their 5th birthday, but payment will be required at the start of the term that they turn 5 if you would like them to continue having milk after their birthday.
If you have successfully registered under Pupil Premium as being eligible for Free Schools Meals your child will continue to be entitled to free school milk after their 5th birthday, but you will have to sign a letter saying that you wish your child to have milk. This is to avoid it going to waste, as some children do not actually enjoy drinking milk in school, even though it is good for them!