Behaviour and Rewards
Our vision for William Austin Infant School is to create a calm, happy, safe and secure positive environment where all pupils are able to enjoy their learning and achieve the best possible outcomes.
Our school motto is ‘Where All Individuals Shine’.
We believe that all pupils have the right to learn in a calm and orderly atmosphere. We insisit on high expectations of behaviour and attititudes to learning as this is absolutely essential for effective teaching and learning to take place. Everyday we promote positive attitudes and good behaviour in all our pupils so that they learn respect for themselves, others and their surroundings. We encourage well-mannered and courteous behaviour at all times. We know that positive everyday experiences in school will allow children to reach their full potential and benefit from the opportunities of education.
Positive behaviour management is key to our success and this is everyone’s shared responsibility. A whole school consistent approach is a must and strategies shared by everyone. All members of the school community understand what acceptable behaviour is and always promote this. We aim for all members of the school community to feel valued and respected and that each member is treated fairly and well. Our School Values and our School Rules are firmly embedded in our school’s ethos and our whole school culture.
Our core values are Happiness, Respect and Caring which reflect our ‘Golden Rules’.
‘Golden Rules’ are displayed around the school and in every class to promote positive behaviour.
School Rules
The schools ‘Golden Rules’ are:
We involve the children when discussing and setting the school's 'Golden Rules', and the expectations on how they should behave both in school and at home.
It is important that they understand why we expect them to behave well, and by asking their opinion it empowers the children, and makes the rules easier for them to follow.
Values Champions
Values Champions are children chosen by their teachers for being excellent role models to other children by displaying impeccable behaviour, using our Golden Rules and School Values daily and always trying their best at everything they do. Their leadership role in school involves being responsible for monitoring and observing children’s behaviour in assembly, playtimes and lunchtimes. The Values Champions work closely with the Headteacher to promote our School Values, Golden Rules to ensure that exemplary behaviour is demonstrated by all children. They are responsible for other jobs such as monitoring the school environment for Values displays, voting on the Values for the year, showing important visitors like the Luton MPs and auditors around our school and making decisions about our wellbeing room the ‘Happy Place’ and our Reward Room.
Superstar Awards
The emphasis of the school’s Behaviour policy is on Recognition, Reward and Praise which should be given whenever possible for both positive attitudes to learning and behaviour. Children’s best efforts will be celebrated through display, assemblies and public praise. During our weekly ‘Super star Awards’ assemblies children’s achievements are collectively celebrated. The children are presented with a special reward for success in a particular area, such as Reading, Maths, showing kindness, or helping others. We always praise effort as well as attainment and believe this motivates children to be better learners.
The use of praise and rewards are always the first steps to create a safe, positive, respectful and enjoyable learning environment.
Class Dojos
An interactive programme available online called ‘Class Dojo’ is used by teachers across every year group. The website creates virtual avatars for children in class and allows children to collect ‘Dojo’ points for positive behaviour and work. During Friday assemblies, Year 1 and 2 children are awarded a certificate for receiving the highest number of ‘Dojo’ points. Reception classes are awarded their certificate in class. The Class with the most Dojo points at the end of the week in each year group wins an additional 10 minutes playtime at the end of lunchtime on Fridays.
Reward Room
The Reward room is used at lunchtimes and Golden time as a reward for children who have earned the most dojo points in the week. This acts as an incentive and reward linked to the Dojo reward system. It encourages positive attitudes to learning, behaviour and motivation. It is for children who show positive attitudes to learning, behaviour and always work hard and try their very best. Children who are awarded a Dojo Certificate will visit the room at lunchtime on the following Monday. The class teacher will also choose a child from their class who has followed the Golden Rules all week to visit the Reward room during Golden time on Friday. There are a range of games and activities to explore and enjoy. The Values Champions came up with some ideas for the rewards room: jenga, board games, a football table, ice hockey, car garage and cars, creative activities, big lego, snakes and ladders game to name just a few of the things that were on their wish list, which were purchased!
Lunch time
At lunchtime on the playground the children are given a variety of games and activities to ensure that they are physically active, engaged and involved in purposeful play activities.
Every lunch time each class has the chance to win Dojo points, from their Midday Supervisor for displaying positive behaviour and showing their School Values.
Golden time
‘Golden time’ is included in the weekly curriculum for each class to support positive behaviours. It is our expectation that all children will work as a class to behave well, follow the School Values and ‘Golden time’ will be a weekly reward. Children have the opportunity to choose from a range of toys and activities to enjoy and play with.
Nurture and Social Skills
Our Family Worker is responsible for organising and leading nurture and social skills groups to support our vulnerable children with social, emotional, mental health, wellbeing and behavioural needs. This involves supporting children with a range of needs identified such as building their self-esteem, confidence, friendships, social skills, regulating emotions and feelings and also helping their anxiety and worries during transition times. Quiet safe spaces such as the ‘Happy Place’ or Evergreen Room are used to ensure children are fully engaged and focussed.