Leave of Absence Requests During Term-time
A message from Mrs Kang, Headteacher
I am becoming increasingly concerned by the large number of parents who are still requesting term-time leave, particularly where the circumstances have not been exceptional.
Please remember that there is no right to term-time leave.
Requests for leave of absence will not be granted for the purpose of a holiday. The law does not give any entitlement to parents to take their child on holiday during term time. Requests for leave of absence will not be granted during term-time unless there are exceptional circumstances for which proof may be required if deemed appropriate.
A number of parents have taken their children out of school against our advice, where the circumstances have not been exceptional, and the absence has been unauthorised as a result.
Please also think twice about the effect an extended absence from school will have on your child’s education before you decide to request any leave of absence. Even an absence of one week can mean they miss vital parts of the curriculum.
You may ask for a copy of the Attendance policy from the school office and it is on the school website. There is also Leave of Absence Guidance available for parents.
If you take your child out of school and the leave of absence is unauthorised, you will be liable for a first offence penalty fine of £80 per parent per child, this will be issued by the Local Authority's Attendance Support Team. Penalty Notice fines will need to be paid within 21 days or the fine will increase to £160 within 28 days.
If you take your child out of school for a second time within 3 years of the first offence and the leave is unauthorised, there will be a flat rate fine of £160 issued which must be paid within 28 days.
Unpaid Penalty Notices result in prosecution for the absence in the magistrate’s court.
A third offence and subsequent offences will not result in a penalty notice, but instead may result in prosecution, or other attendance legal intervention.
Additionally, if your child accumulates 10 sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence in any 10 week session, a penalty fine notice may be considered, and you need to be aware of this.
You must come to the school office to discuss any possible leave of absence BEFORE you book any flights. If you don’t, and I do not authorise the absence, your child may lose their place at this school. We sometimes have waiting lists for school places and you risk having to take your children to several different schools on your return.