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Mulberry Court Residents Come to Visit

In April 2024 Year 2 were very excited to welcome some residents of Mulberry Court Care Home to our school.

The children remembered visiting Mulberry Court the previous Christmas to sing some songs, and were looking forward to spending an afternoon with the residents at our school. Before the visit the children planned the games and activities that they thought the residents would enjoy. The children knew that Mulberry Court had a garden and thought that it would be lovely to give the residents a potted flower each to take back to their care home and plant in the garden there. 

When the residents arrived, the children and residents spent some time talking and getting to know each other. It was very interesting! After that the children were keen to ask the residents what activities they wanted to do. The rest of the afternoon was spent talking, colouring, playing games such as Snakes and Ladders and Connect 4.  The children and residents also completed a 100 piece jigsaw together!


All too soon it was time to say goodbye, but we look forward to meeting up again! Thank you Mulberry Court!

Singing at Mulberry Court

Just before the 2023 Christmas holidays 12 Year 2 children were invited to Mulberry Court Care Home to spread some happiness and Christmas cheer. The children practised some of the songs beforehand and then performed them to the residents and staff. The children were brilliant and the residents joined in, even shaking the bells with us as we sang ‘Jingle Bells’!! The children had a wonderful time meeting others in our community, and displayed our William Austin Values of Happiness, Caring and Respect. Well done Year 2!

Hope4Smile Charity

We were very happy to work with Hope4Smile in July 2023 to provide unwanted reading and exercise books to Carlton Vale Infant School in Kilburn, London.


As a result of changing the reading scheme at our school recently we had a lot of redundant reading books that were looking for a new home. Carlton Vale is a small Infant School in Kilburn that the Hope4Smile charity is supporting, as the school has serious budget issues due to their falling pupil numbers. Through our school donating reading books and exercise books that are no longer needed, we have given them one less thing to worry about!


Many thanks to Mrs Shah, one of our Higher Level Teaching Assistants, for organising this particular donation.


We have recently received a donation of 2 wheel scooters and scooter helmets from Micro Scooters. This donation will allow our children to get a daily dose of exercise and fresh air.  The company have also donated a range of scooter accessories.

The company provides free scooter training advice for parents and carers which can be accessed at

Comfort Quilts

in December 2021 an amazing charity called Project Linus UK gifted us these beautiful handmade quilts, which had been crafted by extremely talented local volunteers to give to children at our school who have experienced any type of trauma or loss. In turn we made a  cash donation to the charity to give thanks and to help them carry on their fantastic work. 

Read more about the charity here...

Creative Learning Packs

During the National Lockdown in March 2020 we worked closely with local charities Level Trust and Discover Islam to provide Creative Learning Packs for our most vulnerable children. Each pack contained a range of items including a fiction book, craft activities, gluestick, colouring pencils, craft scissors, and bubbles!! 

Our Family Worker delivered these packs to the children's homes and checked in with the families regularly to see how they were coping with the challenges of lockdown and to see if there was any further support we could offer.


We would like to thank Level Trust and Discover Islam for their generosity in making these packs available for our children. 

Go Dharmic provides food parcels for vulnerable families during the Covid-19 crisis

Go Dharmic is a local charity who do so much valuable work in supporting Luton's most vulnerable residents, including feeding the homeless in the town centre.  Go Dharmic have been helping families and individuals throughout the Covid-19 pandemic and have delivered over one million meals to the elderly and vulnerable so far.

They have extended that help to local schools too and we were so pleased to welcome them to our school in July when they offered to supply free food packs to our families in need. Mrs Tailor; our school secretary and a Go Dharmic volunteer, co-ordinated this appeal, and we thank her and her fellow Go Dharmic supporters for their kindness and generosity in donating their time to this fantastic charity's work! 


Our Old Grey Uniform

Did you ever wonder what happened to our unwanted grey uniform?

Well, we donated it to a small British Charity called Hope4Smile, who took it all the way to a village in Nepal! The children at the local school were so happy with their new uniform!


A representative from the Aarambha Foundation, who helped Hope4Smile distribute the uniform to students at Bhuwaneswari Basic School in Aapghari, Kavre Province, said "We were so happy to see their happy faces and they were so much more excited to show their new t-shirts, sweaters and jackets with their friends".


We hope to maintain links and help them in the future too!
