PE (Physical Education) is taught in accordance with the National Curriculum requirements. We provide opportunities for all children to learn a progression of skills throughout early years and key stage 1 in dance, gymnastics, games and athletics. The National Curriculum focuses on key skills of balance, agility and co-ordination. We work on these skills and teach the children to apply these in a range of activities.
During dance children are taught to create simple movement patterns incorporating a number of dance elements. Dance elements include travelling, gestures, turns, stillness and jumps. Children are taught to move to the music counting the beats.
During gymnastics children are taught to balance, travel, rock, roll and jump. They use different parts of their bodies and think about how their body feels and the muscles they are using when moving and balancing. These skills develop throughout key stage one.
During games children develop a range of ball skills and techniques to play a range of sporting games. Within year 1 children spend time passing the ball including throwing and kicking and incorporating them in mini games to consolidate the skill in order to enable children to play more structured games in year 2 and participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
During athletics children learn the skills of running, jumping and throwing in preparation for sports day.
As a school we are committed to encouraging physical activity for all our children.
How to increase activity:
Local holiday clubs during school holidays.
Inter-school Competitions
We are continuing to provide opportunities for Inter School Competitions. This is where children have the chance to compete with children from different schools. They take part in a range of different activities in both competitive and non-competitive environments.
Check back soon to see what sports competitions we attend this year.