At William Austin Infant School we encourage, support and promote the children’s developing skills in Computing in line with the Curriculum guidelines. Computing is taught as a discrete subject but also as a means of supporting other areas of the National Curriculum.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Pupils in Reception are taught basic fundamental Computing skills across the seven areas of learning and development. Some of the activities children are taught are to recognise the letters on the keyboard, use computers to create art work as well as giving directions to floor robots. These basic skills underpin the learning that they will then go on to achieve in Key Stage 1.
Key stage 1
Pupils should be taught to:
The children use a variety of technology in school including Chromebooks, iPads, Beebots and cameras. The Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 Computing Curriculum focuses on how digital technology works alongside the practical experience of programming. The children begin to explore and create their own algorithms and learn how to debug these. Children are also expected to use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content. Online Safety is also taught separately via Project Evolve as well as being embedded in the Computing and PSHCE curriculum. Here your children learn how to keep safe when using the internet across a variety of platforms such as laptops, iPads, smart phones and gaming consoles.
At William Austin Infants we encourage the children to use a wide variety of online educational sites to support their learning in and outside school.