We have adopted a whole school inclusive approach to supporting children who have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Most children with learning difficulties can progress once their difficulties have been identified and an Individual Education Plan (IEP) instituted.
Where necessary the Local Authority (LA) Access Service are asked to help in identifying difficulties and in the preparation of an IEP. Parents are always consulted before their child is seen by a member of the Support Services and informed when their child is placed on the ‘Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities’ register.
We aim to support children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities within their class or Year Group as far as possible. IEPs are reviewed each term and targets discussed with all teaching staff, children and parents.
Details of the Luton LA local offer can found by clicking here
As a parent or carer we appreciate that you will want to explore additional resources to support you as a family and help with your child's learning. Click on the link below for more information.
If you wish to speak to a member of our SEN team please contact Miss Johnson by phoning the school office on 01582 595198