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Catch-Up Premium

The government has launched a one-off universal catch-up premium for the 2020 to 2021 academic year. The aim is that schools have the funding needed to ensure that pupils can catch-up for lost teaching time due to the pandemic resulting in educational disruption and school closures. Schools can use the funding in the most effective and appropriate way to support all pupils. There are no specific requirements and schools can determine how best to use the catch-up premium funding to enable pupils to make up the lost learning and meet/ surpass curriculum expectations.

Schools’ funding allocations are calculated on a per pupil basis which equates to £80 per pupil in each year group. Although funding is calculated on a per pupil basis schools should use the funding as a whole and prioritise support for pupils depending upon their needs. The catch-up premium is provided to mitigate the effects of the unprecedented disruption due to COVID-19.

To see how our school will be spending the Covid-19 catch-up funding, please click on the document below:
