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Parental Engagement

Parental engagement is crucial to help support childrens' learning. Over the years we have been committed to work in strong partnership with our parents to  strengthen the bonds between school and home. We know how greatly children benefit from close links between home and school and we see our parents very much as partners in the learning journey of our pupils.


We provide excellent opportunities for our parents to come into school and take part in a wide range of workshops, such as Values, Learning Logs, Eid, Diwali and Easter, as well as curriculum information meetings, assemblies and festival celebrations. Our SEN team also hold regular drop-in sessions for parents. 


We hope to continue to build a solid relationship with you based on mutual respect, trust, understanding, co-operation and regular communication. 


Please click on the link below to take you to our Parent Workshops section. Here we upload information an recent Workshops held in the school hall or classrooms, such as the Year 2 End of KS1 meeting and the Year 1 Phonic Screening Check Meeting.

How to help your child at home with phonics

Read school reading books regularly with your child and encourage them to sound out any new words that they do not know. If you come across a sound that your child is unfamiliar with, record it in the reading record and possibly think of other words that contain this sound. Get your child to practise reading these words to help consolidate the sound. Don’t forget that all reading books contain tricky words (like; to, me, the, people), which cannot be sounded out.


Keep it fun and engaging, English is a tricky language to learn.

Make sure children say each sound correctly without the ‘uh’ on the end or they will find it tricky to put sounds together (blend). Please see the school website if you need to hear how the sounds (phonemes) are pronounced.

Give clear praise giving an example of what your child did well.

Example- “Well done! You said the digraph ____ correctly!”


Games and activities to play at home

Blending (putting sounds together to read new words)

1) Sound talk I spy.

Adult- “ I spy with my little eye a r-ai-n-b-ow”

Child –“rainbow!”

2) Flashcard words on bits of paper – How many can they segment and blend in a minute?

3) Hot potato game – (You will need a pile of words with known sounds in them and 2 cards with the hot potato on). Play together, you read a word then let your child. If one of you picks up the hot potato you must put all the cards back in the middle. The winner is the person with the most word cards.

4) Roll and read – (You will need a 1-6 dice and a 4x6 grid). Write some words with the sound (phoneme) that your child is learning (see their weekly homework). Write words in the grid and then get your child to roll the dice. They then read the word in the column that they have rolled.

5) Sound buttons – Children to read the word by segmenting and blending. Children then draw dots and dashes under each sound to represent it. Example- three


Segmenting (breaking words up into sounds to help spell them)

1) Building words using letters from magazines or using lower case magnetic letters.

2) Plastic cups – write letters on the cups and get your child to build words that you say.

3) Hangman – children guess letters considering the phonemes that they have learnt and where these are normally found in words.


If you need any more ideas or support please speak to your class teacher.
