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Well-being and Mindfulness

At William Austin Infant School we are deeply passionate about caring for the mental health and well-being of our pupils, staff, parents and wider community. Now more than ever, it is important that we acknowledge and talk about mental health and well-being. By opening up the conversation around this topic, it lifts the stigma that surrounds it and supports us all in developing the tools we need to promote a positive outlook and approach when handling different situations throughout our lives that may have an impact on our mental health and well-being.


In school, we believe that supporting children and young people now with their mental health and well-being will give them the essential skills and tools necessary in order to deal with an ever changing and demanding world.


Hopefully this part of our school website will help and support anyone who feels they need to learn a little bit more about mental health and well-being.

Children's Mental Health Week



From February 5th to the 11th we celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week with special homework and assemblies.  Some of our work that week will now be displayed in the school’s new Well Being Room designed by our Values Champions.   The rest will be entered into the local CHUMs charity competition.



My Voice Matters | Children's Mental Health Week 2024

What matters to you? | Creative activity for 4-11 year olds | Children's Mental Health Week 2024

Mindfulness Workshops – World Mental Health Day

In light of World Mental Health Day all our Year 1 pupils had the fantastic opportunity to participate in Mindfulness Workshops.   The Mindfulness tutor delivered practical activities that empowered the children to take control of their own emotions and thoughts.   They experienced new ways to calm themselves with explanations of the great benefits that Mindfulness can bring.   Your children can tell you all about it and even show you at home.   At school we encourage children to carry out mindfulness strategies on a regular basis.

Here’s five top tips to support good mental health in our children.

Mindfulness Workshop 2024

Mindfulness Workshop 2023

New Ways November

Red Nose Day 2023

We held a non-uniform day on Friday 17 March, and wore red for the day! We supported CHUMS, a Bedfordshire based children's bereavement & mental health charity, rather than the national Comic Relief campaign and raised a wonderful £327.88.

We are so proud to support this brilliant cause and help to raise awareness of the importance of our children's mental health and well-being. If you wish to find out more about CHUMS you can visit their website

Well-Being and Mindfulness

Within this section of our school website you will find information about what ‘mental health’ means and how we promote mental health and well-being in our school. We aim to provide some useful activities, resources, tips and signposts to informative websites which you may also find helpful and inspiring.

For more well-being activity ideas, take a look at Place 2 Be by following the link below:


