On Wednesday afternoon Lark Class had a great time because the Firefighters came to visit!
Lark Class listened very carefully to the special safety messages they gave us. We learned a special rhyme ‘Matches, lighters never touch, they can hurt you very much!’ They asked us about whether we all had smoke alarms in our home and gave us special homework to go home and check with our parents. Next we learned what to do if there was a fire. We should ‘Get out, stay out and call 999.’ It was fun because they asked for a volunteer to dress up as a real firefighter and then one of the actual firefighters came in, in her full uniform. They showed us all the special equipment that they need and what it is for. It was very interesting! Our class volunteer then demonstrated what we should do if our clothes are on fire. We should ‘Stop, drop and roll.’
Finally we went outside to see the fire engine. The children all got to pretend to be real firefighters and spray the fire hose! That was a lot of fun! The firefighters showed us the special lights and siren on the fire engine, it was very loud.
We had a wonderful time!