Relationships and Health Education (RHE)
As you may already be aware, the Department for Education had announced changes to Relationships and Health Education. These changes were due to come into effect from September 2020, but in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and school closures, we had deferred the implementation of the RHE curriculum. However, by the end of the Summer term 2021 all schools were required to comply with the updated statutory requirements.
We implemented the RHE curriculum in the 2nd half of the Summer term in 2021. Sex Education is not statutory in Primary schools including Infant schools and it will not be taught at William Austin Infant School.
We plan to deliver these lessons in the 2nd half of the Summer term each year. Across each year group the three lessons will be short sessions and some will be whole class discussions with no follow up activities. These lessons will cover a range of topics and we will ensure that the teaching and learning is conducted in a safe, trusting and secure environment. Lessons will be taught sensitively and effectively to all children using age appropriate materials.
All of the relevant information and documentation have been uploaded here, including the ‘Revised Adaptation to the Christopher Winter Project Overview’ which details the lessons, topics, activities and resources to be used in each year group. We trust you will find the information useful. It clearly explains what your child will be learning in school and the resources that will be used in each lesson, and as a result if your child should ask you any questions you will know how to best address them.
The aim of William Austin Infant School is to equip children with the information, knowledge, skills and values to have safe, fulfilling and enjoyable relationships, and to take responsibility for their emotional health and personal well-being. Good quality RHE promotes the core values of respect, tolerance, love and care. It also provides the opportunity for children to reflect on their own attitudes and beliefs and those of their peers and others. RHE is an integral element of personal, social and health education (PSHE) and it is therefore essential and good practice.
We have reviewed our RHE curriculum and RHE policy so that it is in line with the statutory requirements and ensured our RHE provision has been adapted to suit the age, background and needs of our children and community and is appropriate for our children.
At William Austin Infant School RHE lessons in Year R, Year 1 and Year 2 follow an adaptation of the Christopher Winter Project (CWP) resource. This programme reflects the recent developments in RHE and the Science National Curriculum and has been quality assured by the PSHE Association. The schemes of work and the school's adaptation can be viewed in the documents list below.
The Government outlined new statutory requirements for the teaching of RHE which were implemented in September 2020. The Government publications and information relating to this can be found using the link below:
We understand that there may be differences of opinion on the subject of RHE. However, what is taught, and how, is ultimately a decision for the school, as all schools are legally required to follow the National Curriculum and teach its content.
Please look at the documents below that will give you all the information you need.
Parents Consultation Questionnaire 2021
In April 2021, prior to lessons being taught for the first time, we conducted a Parents Consultation Questionnaire. Due to the ongoing restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic we were unable to hold a face to face meeting, but all of the relevant content was made available to give parents an accurate view of the lessons to be taught. After reading through the responses to the Parents Consultation Questionnaire Mrs Kang, the Headteacher, addressed the concerns that parents raised and put them into a document that you can view below. Following on from this the school's Governors approved and ratified the Relationship and Health Education policy, and the approved curriculum content was implemented.
The school's adaptation to the CWP Schemes of Learning was revised as a result of the questionnaire responses, so that it gives more detail on the individual lessons to be taught. That, as well as a selection of Lesson worksheets are available to look at here: