To introduce our topic for this half term, ‘People who make a difference- Nurses’, Year 2 had an exciting WOW morning. We came to school dressed up as professionals that help people and we had an important talk with Mrs Katechia, our Medical Room Staff Member, about how to stay safe around medicine. We were also able to watch a selection of videos sent to us by Health Care Professionals who shared with us all about who they are, their job role, how they help people, challenges they face in their job role and their proudest achievement. Many of these people were actually people from Luton. This inspired us all and made us recognise that we too could grow up and have jobs just like them!
Lastly we watched a First Aid learning video from the British Red Cross linked to burns and what to do if we got burnt. We thoroughly enjoyed role playing and becoming Doctors and Nurses to help treat our friends that had hurt themselves. We even put our sewing skills to the test to pretend to stitch up a poorly arm.
Have a look at our photos and see what fun we had!