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Mid Morning Fruit

Fresh Fruit/Vegetables 

As part of the Government’s Healthy Eating initiative, all children in school are provided with a variety of fruit or vegetables every day at mid-morning. Bananas, apples, pears, carrots, snack raisins are regularly supplied as well as more seasonal options, such as cherry tomatoes, sugar snap peas, satsumas and strawberries!  We regret that we do not allow snacks to be brought in from home to replace the fruit on offer in school, due to the real risk they may pose to children in class that have severe allergies.   


We regret that we cannot accept sweets or cakes sent into school to celebrate children's birthdays or special family occasions. This is due to the risk of allergies, as above, and because we promote healthy eating as much as possible. It can also put pressure on other families to do the same when they may not be able to afford it.

