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About the Governors

School Governors are unpaid volunteers who oversee the life and work of the school. They meet at least twice each term and receive reports from the headteacher, members of staff and the local authority. This keeps them informed about what is happening day to day in school and whether the objectives of the School Improvement plan are being achieved. Governors can visit the school throughout the year to see school in action and meet with staff. They welcome comments from, and contact with, parents.

If you wish to contact a school governor please use the 'contact us' facility on the website or ask at the school office, where the staff will be happy to forward your query.


Correspondence for the personal attention of the Chair of Governors or Clerk of Governors should be addressed 'care of' the school.


The composition of the Governing Body is as follows:

  • 1 representative of the Local Education Authority
  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • The Headteacher
  • 6 Co-opted Governors