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Enrichment Plan

Enrichment Plan


At William Austin Infant School we offer a rich, broad, balanced and rounded curriculum to equip children with life- long learning skills. We ensure our curriculum is linked to real life experiences and engaging opportunities for our children via our Enrichment offer. A range of enrichment opportunities and valuable learning experiences are on offer every day as part of our curriculum.


Our Enrichment Plan outlines our curriculum topics, links to curriculum subjects, events and activities which are carefully planned to capture our pupils' imagination and excitement for leaning. We use memorable ‘Wow Moments’ and ‘Wow Days’ which enable children to be excited, inspired and empowered to learn. We organise outdoor learning opportunities, inspirational educational visits, theatre trips, in house theatre productions, themed dressing-up days, real life experiences, hands-on practical lessons, 'expert speakers into school' days, professional visitors, community leaders, parent involvement with curriculum workshops, fundraising events, National annual events, Art community projects, Values days, festivals and celebration days.   

This enrichment approach allows us to provide our children with more meaningful, rich and an exciting array of classroom experiences that are relevant, inspirational and challenging for all our learners. We encourage children to ask questions to promote their thinking skills and through our ‘Speak to Succeed’ initiative we offer daily opportunities to promote talking.


Our Enrichment offer enables our children to be more active, creative, curious, imaginative, independent and reflective learners. The children participate in learning through exploration, investigations, creativity, discovery and problem solving.
